Secretaría General

Embroidered logo of the Court of Auditors


The General Secretariat performs the functions leading to the proper exercise of governmental powers of the President of the Court, the Plenum and the Management Board in all matters relating to the Court of Audit the internal system.

The General Secretariat is vested with the powers of management, processing, documentation and registration of matters within the competence of the President, the Plenum and the Management Board. The Secretary-General shall act as Secretary of the Plenum and the Management Board, with the right to speak but not to vote.

Election and composition:

The Secretary-General is elected and removed freely by the Plenum at the proposal of the Management Board. The Secretary-General must be elected from among civil servants belonging to the Senior Bodies of the Court of Audit or the Senior Bodies of the Public Administration and Social Security serving in the Court of Audit, going into special services.

The General Secretariat is organized into administrative units necessary to deal with the processing of claims and management of general and governmental affairs and staff at the service of the Court of Audit; it also addresses economic and budgetary matters, inspection and operation of the services thereof, purchasing and procurement, information technology and data processing, as well as General Registry, General Archive and Library of the Court.

Management and Administrative Modernization and Electronic Administration Promotion Unit depend on the General Secretariat of the Court of Audit.


Secretario General del Tribunal de Cuentas: Ilmo. Sr. D. Carlos Cubillo Rodríguez

Nombramiento: Acuerdo del Pleno del Tribunal de Cuentas, adoptado en sesión de 29 de noviembre de 2021. (BOE núm. 286, de 30 de noviembre de 2021)