Prosecution Section


Powers of the Prosecution Section as a body of the Court of Audit:

The Prosecution Section comprises the President and the Audit Counsellors, aware of court proceedings as first instance bodies or attached to the Courtroom or Courtrooms.

In this Section there are three departments of first instance, each of them headed by a Counsellor and all with the same level of competence.


Nominal composition of the Prosecution Section and appointments

  • Presidenta de la Sección de Enjuiciamiento: Excma. Sra. Dª Rebeca Laliga Misó. (Nombramiento: B.O.E. de 18/11/2021; Senado).
  • Consejera titular del Departamento Primero: Excma. Sra. Dª María del Rosario García Álvarez. (Nombramiento: B.O.E. de 18/11/2021; Senado).
  • Consejera titular del Departamento Segundo: Excma. Sra. Dª Elena Hernáez Salguero. (Nombramiento: B.O.E. de 18/11/2021; Senado).
  • Consejero titular del Departamento Tercero: Excmo. Sr. D. Diego Íñiguez Hernández. (Nombramiento: B.O.E. de 18/11/2021; Congreso).

 Structure of the Prosecution Section: